Sunday, February 13, 2011

Friendly Visit

Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile, but lots of things have been happening in my life.
Work is crazy busy!!  Working tons of hours.
We have had a bit of excitement at home!
On Wednesday morning - super early in the morning - like 6 am, I heard a funny sound.  It sounded like scratching.  I rolled over to Eric and whispered "there is something in here". He was sleeping, so again I said, "there is something in here".  I am pretty sure that he thought I was on some kind of drug or something.  So I said to him, "listen, you will hear it".  But, no sound was made.  I told him I was sure I heard something.  So, being the protector that he is, he put his glasses on and turned on the lamp beside the bed.  (he was doing this not because he thought something was in the room, but because he wanted to show me it was all in my head!).  So he sat up in bed and started to look around.  Then he said "I see it, don't freak out."  Well, what would you do when someone tells you "don't freak out?"  I put my glasses on, and he could see that I was nervous to see what he was looking at.  Again he said, "don't freak out".  That is not making me feel less nervous!
I wasn't sure where he was looking, so I said, "what do you see?"  He said look between the laundry baskets.  I couldn't see anything though.  He had a slighty different viewing angle than I did.  So I said, "I don't see it, what is it"?
He said, "look between the laundry baskets, underneath the hope chest."  Then I saw it........................a weasel!
Again he told me not to freak out, or he would spray.  Well that is exactly what I didn't want to happen, so he told me to get out of bed slowly and go to the living room.  He said that if we made some noise, he would probably leave, but to not make any sudden moves.
So we went down to the living room, and we were talking about the weasel.  Eric then named him Wally!
So we were talking about Wally, trying to figure out how he got into the trailer.  Eric said that they can go where ever a mouse can go.  So as we were talking about him, I seen his little weasel paw poking out from under the wall beside the stove. (we are renovating our kitchen, so there is a bare wall beside the stove).
Eric said that Wally has a weasel highway between the kitchen and the bedroom!
But, as of today, I haven't seen any signs of Wally.
Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of him. 

I hope you have a wonderful day!
luv Tracy


  1. Glad you shared the whole story! I saw your quick post on facebook and KNEW there had to be a story! Hopefully your little friend stays away!


  2. Thanks so much for joining us at the Canadian Crafty Blog Hop. There are so many talented Canadians, and I am so glad you were able to be a part of it.

  3. WOW! awesome pics of your cattle with the snow just beautiful...thanks for following me and i'm your newest follower too. What type of tips are you looking for, i've just started blogging this past december so i'm a newbie as well. All i do is enter a few challenges as this brings some people to your blog as well post often so your not forgotten, i try for 3xweek or at least 2. When you get followers i return the favour and follow them too. I see many people offer blog candy, i'm not there yet and i don't know how i feel making people follow just to enter but many do. If you have any other questions just ask. kim

  4. Hi Tracy - I found your blog on the Canadian Crafty blog hop! I don't know what I would do if I saw a weasel in my bedroom! aaaahhhh! LOL Love the cattle layouts you have done - reminds me of my mom's scrapbooks - I grew up on a cattle farm! Look forward to seeing your future posts!
