Saturday, January 15, 2011

Project 52 - Week 2

So, here we are January 15, 2011!  It is officially freezing outside!  It is -22 degrees Celcius out right now.  That isn't too bad, but there is a nasty biting wind out there!
I had to go out and check the cows, to make sure they had enough feed until tomorrow.  So while I was out there, I took some pictures!

  I thought this was a neat picture with all of the snow in the trees, and the cows in front.
This calf looked cute with the frost all over her face except for around her eyes and nose!

Snowy cows!

I was trying to take more pictures as well, had my camera set onto a beautiful Chickadee in a tree, when low and behold........dead batteries!  I guess that means it is time to come in from outside and get warm!

Have a wonderful weekend!

luv Tracy

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